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Non-verbal Method I
Instructions to hypnotist
The subject is seated in a chair and instructed to hold both arms out in front of him and upward so that the hands are above eye level. They should be parallel, the hands being about two feet apart. The hypnotist now moves back and forth in front of the subject from one side to the other, making a small postural change in the subject's right arm first, then over to the other side to make a similar charge in the left arm.
First the right arm is bent at the elbow so that the hand comes a bit inward and downward (the right elbow simultaneously extending more outward). The hypnotist then moves over to the left side and repeats the movement of the subject's left arm in the same way. After each movement he pauses a few seconds and observes the posture. This permits him both to observe the subject's reaction and to allow time for adjustment to the new change in posture.
Once again he moves to the subject's right side and adjusts the right arm again slightly downward. This is then matched in a few seconds with a similar adjustment in the left hand. The postural adjustments of the arms and hands are constantly transmitting the message of "inward and downward," inward into one's self, and downward toward a more unconscious level of awareness.
Finally, when the hands are almost together and are barely above the lap the hypnotist grasps both of them firmly by the wrist and forcibly lowers them rapidly all the way down. At this point the subject's eyes will usually close and his head slump forward on his chest. If this does not happen the hypnotist can pull the eyelids down, and by a push on the back of the head, administer this final forceful suggestion which implies, "Go inward and downward, close your eyes and enter a deep relaxed, hypnotic state!"
No words have been spoken, but the induction has been accomplished by the series of progressively spaced changes in posture. To remove the hypnotic state which has been so achieved the hypnotist simply reverses the movements. First, he lifts up the head. Then he lifts up both arms to the position they held just prior to the forcible lowering of them. Next, one arm and hand at a time the movements are reversed. The movements are now outward and upward, "Come up out of yourself and back into the conscious state," is the message. Finally, the arms are back in their original position; the patient's eyes are fully open, the head is up.

Non-verbal Method II
Instructions to hypnotist
A non verbal induction may be accomplished with any individual that is ready to experience hypnosis. One of the keys to the induction of hypnosis is correct use of pre-hypnotic suggestions. The following is an example of pre-induction suggestions.
Hypnotist: Would you like to experience hypnosis?
Subject: Yes
Hypnotist: I would like you to simply allow things to take place. Do not try to make anything happen, but do not try to stop things from taking place. Is this agreeable to you?
Subject: That would be fine..
Take the subject's hand as if you were going to be shaking hands. Have the subject's arm stretched straight out.
With the subject looking directly in your eyes, begin slowly raising, and lowering the arm about three to four inches each way. Keep your eyes fixed on the clients eyes.
As the subject begins to blink their eyes, interrupt your up, and down movement of the arm, and begin pushing the arm down slightly.
Return to the up, and down movements of the arm until the client blinks again. Once again, when the subject blinks their eyes push the arm down slightly.
You will discover that with in a few movements the eyes will close completely. Drop their arm to their side.