"Some years in the past I was sure it's another world. But no experiments could prove it in clear way. It means no useful way for application of this state of mind. It is waste of time for everybody who think so... You can see it in any sites and books about OBE or AP. They NEVER tell how to use it! NEVER!

If you want to use it and be selfsatisfied you should think it's all in your mind. And if so the area of application even more if it would be an parallel world Look here:
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« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 09:32:22 AM by Mike Raduga "

Радуга - это радуга,с универсальным конгломератом цветов со звуками.Какой нафиг Роберт Монро?Радуга,цветной Майк!При этом ни одного слова про астральный глаз.